Railroad | Teen Ink


May 17, 2018
By JuanL BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
JuanL BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every morning is the same as always. I sit on top of a hill waiting for the train. The driver of the train always honks his horn at me when he sees me sitting there. Today is January 22 and as always I wake up early to go see the train pass. As I wait I hear a loud explosion coming from miles away, I get nervous but I just keep waiting for the train so I can run home. The train usually passes by at 8:55 am and it was currently 9:14 am, I was worried because this was the first time this happens. I call my mother and tell her that the train still hasn’t passed, she tells me to run home as quick as I can. I run home sad because I didn’t know what was going on but once I arrive my mother tells me that the train was hit by another train going in the opposite direction. My heart beat raised and I told my mother that we have to go to the hospital so I can check up on the driver, my friend. The hospital was filled with ambulance cars in the emergency section, I jump out the car and rushed towards entrance. I’ve never met the driver before so I didn’t know his name, I go around asking nurses if the driver of the train was here. All of them just looked at me and kept walking. I reach a room that has a board with the name Edward Jones. I knew it was him because I recognized his face. Sadly that was the last time I saw him alive.

The author's comments:

I love to write about trains!

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