I am a Beaver | Teen Ink

I am a Beaver

May 24, 2018
By T-Schlett SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
T-Schlett SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chop, chop, chop; down goes a tree.
I work diligently and I won’t let anything get in my way.

Splash, splash, splash, I waddle through the pond.
I can visualize my goal and it seems just ahead of me.

Drip, drip, drip; the mist turns to rain.
Nothing will set me back, especially a little water.

Pick, pick, pick; I tidy things up.
Perfection can never be reached, but I can try.

Crack, crack, crack; a snapping noise fills the quiet.
There goes today’s exhausting work.

Quiet, quiet, quiet; time to fix my work.
No setbacks can slow me down.

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