Drama | Teen Ink


June 10, 2018
By ari465 GOLD, Burbank, Illinois
ari465 GOLD, Burbank, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible."-Audrey Hepburn

It’s mostly words

Words said to hurt others

Others are who spread it

It can mess with you

You need to just stop the drama

Drama is what tear people apart

Apart from friends

Friends then start up more drama for you

You shouldn’t let that bring you down

Down is where you go when you are betrayed

Betrayal is the cause of this drama

Drama has now ruined everything

Everything has gone to shit

Shit people have started this over and over

Over and over you get hurt

The author's comments:

Drama is just a vicious circle that never seems to end

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