From Doubt to Radiance | Teen Ink

From Doubt to Radiance

March 6, 2024
By Anonymous

In the halls of academia's vast domain, Where knowledge blooms and thoughts entwine, A student embarked on a quest, to obtain A treasure more valuable than gold or wine.

From lectures to libraries, they roamed with care, Each book a ladder, each word a step to climb. In shadows of doubt, they found themselves there, A seeker of light, in the depths of their prime.

Their confidence, once a flickering flame, Grew brighter with each challenge they faced. With every triumph, they reclaimed their name, In the garden of self-esteem, they were graced.

Through essays and exams, their spirit soared, A beacon of belief, no longer ignored.

With wisdom's tools, they sculpted their fate, In the workshop of dreams, where futures are made. No longer a pawn in the game of debate, But a knight in armor, shining and staid.

In reflection's mirror, they finally saw, A person of worth, with much to give. Their self-esteem, once fragile and raw, Now a fortress of courage, where they truly live.

So here's to the student, once lost, now found, In the university of life, they are profound.

Their journey from doubt to radiant light, A testament to the power of self-insight. In the halls of learning, their future bright, A testament to their unwavering fight.

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