Family | Teen Ink


November 9, 2014
By Jonah Halbert GOLD, Booneville, Mississippi
Jonah Halbert GOLD, Booneville, Mississippi
10 articles 0 photos 19 comments

I stand here now as I think of you,

We used to be as one,-

But now we are only two.

Brothers and sisters are meant to be,

'cause if there's one thing I believe in,-

It's family.


We aren't meant to be seperate;

Out of eachothers reach

I mean, I know we are struggling,

But tell me that you think,

No matter what happens,-

We are still family.

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on Nov. 20 2014 at 11:47 am
ansem_unlimited PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
33 articles 0 photos 140 comments

Favorite Quote:
Thou may think of me as desired, to idolize or villanize me whichever you may choose. but gaze upon me and thou sall not see the husk of a man! for all my sins and all my bliss, i am anything but hollow

(disclaimer, none of the following is at all any degree of brown nosing) this poem really speaks to me on a personal level, where as for you it's you & your sister (I'd assume from the poem) I have a similar relationship with my brother who's now in college, & this poem made me think about him, this is a beautiful poem about the bonds we share in blood, & I found it touched my heart & that desserves a bravo!