Asian Rap song | Teen Ink

Asian Rap song

August 25, 2023
By raidenbmei GOLD, Manhattan, New York
raidenbmei GOLD, Manhattan, New York
10 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That it comes only once is what makes life so beautiful."<br /> <br /> - Emily Dickinson

Ya, ya, ya
You so dumb
what's 6 x 31
useless son, where you put da dim sum?
cant cook da minute rice
your brain infested with lice
why you not in your room
you make yo mama go boom
you get B in math
your brain need a bath
why you cant be like ling ling
so, so pretty
talk back and i take out the belt
and i send you straight to
the place to get help
when you get da girlfriend
i want grandchildren
what you mean you cant find her?
let me call da match maker
just listen to me and go take the Tai Chi
or i take your allowance of 1.50
your ancestor crying
because your intelligence dying
haiyah, yah
you so dumb, yeah you so dumb lah
You so dumb
what's 6 x 31
useless son, where you put da dim sum?
cant cook da minute rice
your brain infested with lice
why you not in your room
you make yo mama go boom
you get B in math
your brain need a bath
why you cant be like ling ling
so, so pretty
talk back and i take out the belt
and i send you straight to
the place to get help
when you get da girlfriend
i want grandchildren
what you mean you cant find her?
let me call da match maker
just listen to me and go take the Tai Chi
or i take your allowance of 1.50
your ancestor crying
because your intelligence dying

haiyah you so dumb, yea you so dumb, lah

The author's comments:

Inspired by a video I saw on youtube by KoreanComic! It's not perfect but I certainly had fun writing it lol.

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