Bluebirds | Teen Ink


November 15, 2011
By Anonymous

People walk with eyes that judge
Can't stand me standing so they start to shove
Try to tear my world apart
They can't even open up to see
I'm standing on the cracks so helplessly

Playing with the flame, heart full of shame
Screaming the names we know in vain, trying to contain
My mind can't remain, so I'll go through all this pain
Looking around, people have their eyes down
Try to pull them up, they try to pull me down
So I'll have my eyes fixed on that sky
Watching the bluebirds fly so high

Can't understand what our world came to be
Can't see which way it's turning me
Like a feather in the wind, I float above the sea
Feeling so free before I met the gravity
Then I get washed away within the shame
And there's nothing to remain

Through the window some never look lonely
Only a bunch of phonies
Little boy, cute and sweet walking down the street
Gunshot cries and in his heart fails to beat

Breath of night is always cold
Especially when it's all alone
Cracks I'm standing on might not break
If someone doesn't come too late
So I'll have my eyes fixed on that sky
Watching the bluebirds fly so high.

The author's comments:
No matter how bad things seem at the time, always keep your head up for hope.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 29 2011 at 11:03 am
Dakota-James BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life, don't let it live you.

I really felt this poem. keep it up