To Get to Where You Are | Teen Ink

To Get to Where You Are

February 12, 2012
By its.paigee BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
its.paigee BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make optimism come true. Give so much time to the improvement of youself that you have no time to criticize others."

I'm holding true to these words I threw together.
I was crashing down,
But when I was falling I caught a glimpse of you.
Somehow you pulled me through.

I've never seen a star like you in broad daylight.
I'm a lover, Not a fighter,
But I'd take on the world for you.
I'm still trying to figure out how you can shine brighter than the moon itself.
I don't have an insecurity in the world,
Because around you,
I can be myself.

I have friends around me who lie,
Who screamed at me to forget you.
But here we are today,
'Cause baby, I refused.

CHORUS: I'll sail the stars tonight,
Trying to navigate by the night sky
To get to where you are
To give you my heart all over again.
I'll sail the stars tonight
With you floating in my mind.
Then I'm content with the distance,
'Cause I know we still have a future to look for.

So here we are today,
Getting through our days
Just so we can say it passed.
How many other ways can I say
That you're beautiful,
And that I want us to last?
I know this sounds so cliche,
But I don't know any other way
To tell you how I feel.

Since you've been gone I've been so cold,
And I'm convinced it's because you left.
I'm fighting myself to forget the ache
That's drenching my body,
Like the pouring rain.
What does it take to become numb?
At this point,
I'd try anything once.

I'll sail the stars tonight,
Trying to navigate by the night sky,
To get to where you are
To give you my heart,
'Cause I know you'll do the same.

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