Tell Me I Deserve Better | Teen Ink

Tell Me I Deserve Better

May 5, 2012
By Calidaaw GOLD, Bournemouth, Other
Calidaaw GOLD, Bournemouth, Other
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone is a genious, but if you jugde a fish on its ability to climb trees, it will live its whole life thinking it's stupid
~Albert Einstein

I need you now but you're nowhere to be found
Too wrapped up in your own perfect ground
I know you have problems but listen to mine
The comfort I needed from you I found in a knife
Please be the friend I had once upon a time

I want you to hold me when I cry
And tell me you know how I feel
I want you to hug me real tight
And tell me someday I will heal
I want you to stay by my side
And tell me it won't ever be just me
I need you to look me in the eyes
And tell me I deserve better than this

I need you to figure out my laugh is fake
I need you to find out the truth about my day
Look closely and notice that things are wrong
Step into my world, I won't keep you there long
Be the friend I had, or at least play along

I want you to hold me when I cry
And tell me you know how I feel
I want you to hug me real tight
And tell me someday I will heal
I want you to stay by my side
And tell me it won't ever be just me
I need you to look me in the eyes
And tell me I deserve better than this

Our friendship is one thing i hold close to my heart
But maybe it's ended now that we're apart

I want you to hold me when I cry
And tell me you know how I feel
I want you to hug me real tight
And tell me someday I will heal
I want you to stay by my side
And tell me it won't ever be just me
I need you to look me in the eyes
And tell me I deserve better than this

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