My Secret | Teen Ink

My Secret

June 5, 2021
By AnnaWrites42 BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
AnnaWrites42 BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life itself is lunatic, who knows where true madness lies?" -Miguel De Cervantes

I once ate a secret, secret inside

That festered and sank deep into my core

Blackened and rotted, my gut it fried

Prodding my conscience, I just can’t ignore

Suddenly I am the worst of sinners

A secret! A secret! Inwards it screams 

Burbles and boils and scalds my innards 

A secret! A secret! From shame it streams- 

The pressure doubled, despite my pleas

My flesh bloated with effort but alas!

Against my will, it retch’d upwards seize! 

Burst forth from my lips, escaped en masse

Empty I feel, stain’d still and tainted

Mouth sick; regret bleeds dry; then- I fainted. 

The author's comments:

This piece emerged all at once in one frantic, desperate mess of scribbles. It poured out of my hands as forcefully as the Tiber demands to flow; in other words, it needed to be written. Maybe the feeling is relatable. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 25 2021 at 7:52 am
JustMe_Vaanya SILVER, Dehradun, Other
7 articles 9 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Una Vida, I have come to accept that I cant experience everything in life. But what I will, I'll experience deeply..."
-Shivya Nath

I love it! Just Amazing! This is one of the best poems I've read ever since joining Teen Ink. I look forward to more of these wonderful pieces... :)