Everlasting love | Teen Ink

Everlasting love

March 21, 2023
By Holtmad000 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
Holtmad000 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A text for a smile,

A hug for a laugh. 

Time to turn up the dial.

Time to make it through.

Your love is flawed at times, 

But you're still mine. 

It may cost some fines,

Its nothing our love can’t shine

Through. The feeling of replacement boils over me,

But you prioritize my comfort. 

My feelings hurt still after what you chose to be.

Is this only a distortion? 

No. You're changing for me.

For the better of us and what we can be.

The author's comments:

I wrote this while going through an extremely hard patch in my romantic relationship. For me I have always struggled with the unknown, I believe everyone does in their own way. For me however it has affected my mental health in a way that causes constant anxiety and overthinking. I am getting better though, With learning more about my mind and focusing on myself and self care things are a lot better for me, it still gets rocky. However I can now thrive for this life that I want to live.

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