Steps in Sync | Teen Ink

Steps in Sync

July 5, 2024
By PiperTheMushieMage SILVER, Franklin Township, Pennsylvania
PiperTheMushieMage SILVER, Franklin Township, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Wind runs its scattered fingers through my hair

As I stand at the peak of the mountain, far above where the laurels grow

Drips of water roll down the shoulders I left bare

Falling from the sky lit aglow

waves of thunderous clouds cradling the surrendered sun

Creating a steady sea of light-washing over the crest and valley

As the earth shifts upon its axis and all days are done-

The perpetual finale

My only thought-which I dare to think

Is “how is the moon rise in sync?

The author's comments:

I got inspired when reworking something I had written a couple of years ago. I love reclaiming something I have built, like vines growing over a building.

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