The Proposal. | Teen Ink

The Proposal.

January 11, 2012
By LikeWobbly PLATINUM, San Antonio, Texas
LikeWobbly PLATINUM, San Antonio, Texas
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We flirt with the idea of perfection because we’re to afraid to commit,
But this is only temporary madness,
Surely to be followed by bliss sealed with a kiss,
And topped with a life long guarantee.
Oh there I go again, rambling insanity.
But who is to say insanity isn't sane? So yes, i'll paint a world so divine,
Perfection to a t, fit to standards declared by me.
And regardless of what the white lab coats suggest,
I'm nothing more than sane at best,
Today, i'll start packing for my trip to my world of make believe.
A world filled with love, and hearts worn on sleeves,
Knowledge as common as boston cream pie,
Limits so high they couldn't possibly be stopped by the sky
My world of fiction, has gotten down on one knee.
More than ready to commit fully.

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