When They Met | Teen Ink

When They Met

February 19, 2014
By SomeoneAmazing BRONZE, Commack, New York
SomeoneAmazing BRONZE, Commack, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He speaks so loud, yet his lips do not move,
He reaches his hand out, extended for her,
His eyes glisten brightly, with life and love,
Yet, to her, everything seems like a blur.

She begged him to wait for a little time,
He asked her how long in pain must he yearn,
But to her, to fall in love was a crime,
So he left, but he promised his return.

Laid back, thinking, on tufts of green grass blades,
She glanced up at the darkening night sky,
The clouds dispersed, the lights begun to fade,
She couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye.

She found herself running back to the place,
There she confessed her love with a bright face.

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