Prisoner of the sea | Teen Ink

Prisoner of the sea

June 2, 2014
By genoveva95 BRONZE, Quito, Other
genoveva95 BRONZE, Quito, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How am I supposed to struggle with this force?
It fights and hits and strikes me all around
How can I battle? I am no sea horse,
Ferocious are the waves, I know I’ll drown.

My body becomes still, I cannot fight,
The ocean cold has beaten me this round,
Is this the end? I'll never see the light,
My soul screams, but my lips do make no sound.

The waves are rocking me from left to right,
I lost the battle, my spirit has quit
I lose myself to tides that pull me tight
My soul has lost what it had left of grit.

The nightmare stops as I begin to emerge,
I’m resurrecting, air I breathe, I surge.

The author's comments:
An attempt of transcendental poetry :)

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