The Complexity of Rest | Teen Ink

The Complexity of Rest

March 14, 2016
By brittany_gaston BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
brittany_gaston BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The scarcity of rest creates undying appreciation,

For a day devoted to solely sleeping is a rarity.

When the rate of homework ha sreached deflation,

It seems a gift of true sincerity.

For sleeping produces amounts of comfort which cannot be numbered,

While stimulating and replenishing energy.

The quantity of hour spent on slumber,

Defines grades htat could place my future in jeopardy.

The importance of dozing has become a flea

To the growing number of my responsilbilities.

Why my love for thee,

Shall always make it my favorite activity.

      Though the complexity of rest creates a cost,

      My devote to thee has not been lost.

The author's comments:

This is not a typical Shakespearian sonnet as it was an assignment for my literature class and iambic pentameter was not required.

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