Moon Child | Teen Ink

Moon Child

March 15, 2016
By jchampion0427 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
jchampion0427 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You preserve a heart so bitter and cold,
Yet often long for a little sunlight.
But how does a heart that cannot unfold
Feel the sun’s warmth when it unveils at night?


Slow moving soul, decaying each second,
You are too attached to the moon my love.
You mustn't follow it at each beckon,
It’s not something you want to be part of.


You cry for the light, but find peace in darkness.
Your joy rests among the dead and dying,
And you let the ghouls call you heartless.
Would you believe that they are lying?


Poor girl, your soul can never push through,
For you are stuck, the moon has consumed you.

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