The Rose | Teen Ink

The Rose

March 13, 2016
By Allybethf BRONZE, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Allybethf BRONZE, La Crosse, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Like an old rose our love boomed in the fall.
The flawless red petals reflected us.
I ran to your arms when I heard your call,
“I love you” are words for the serious.

In midwinter the roses scent was strong
And we were still in lovers’ paradise.
Other flowers were saying it was wrong
Trying to force us to take their advice.

By spring the rose’s stem started to bend
As an old man’s back after a hard day.
Cruel kindness level started to extend
Though my opinion of you would not sway.

But like roses, our love, too, had a thorn
And every summer I feel myself mourn.

The author's comments:

I am a freshman in high school. I stay busy with volleyball, basketball, my school's feminist club, and maintaning my 4.0 GPA. One day I hope to attend a liberal arts college and major in English. The takeaway of the poem is even the most seemingly perfect things have their flaws.

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