Ode to Show Rabbits | Teen Ink

Ode to Show Rabbits

November 8, 2016
By adrijg3 GOLD, Franklin, Ohio
adrijg3 GOLD, Franklin, Ohio
16 articles 1 photo 2 comments

With the wiggle of a nose, you are a thief;
You steal all hearts with your silly nature,
Though I wouldn’t say you cause much grief;
You are in all ways a happy creature.


When you are binkying and thumping your feet,
Snacking on fruit and hay with your tiny mouth,
It seems to be a universal treat;
Generous with love, you leave none in drouth.


When on the best in show table,
You never cease to shine your winning light;
You are the best of your breed, the color of sable,
When the judge calls your name, we all scream “all right!”


You have earned your trophies, and all of your ribbons,
Now it’s time to retire you to make tons of kittens.

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