Cats | Teen Ink

Cats MAG

By Anonymous

   CatsRecently, I saw the Broadway play "Cats" in the Winter Garden Theater. Yes, "Cats" is the one where Grizabella sings "Memories" while the other characters crawl around on all fours.The singing, dancing and acting in "Cats" are as good as anything that you expect from the Big Apple. You could definitely tell that the actors put a lot of time preparing the show. Also, the set designs deserve just as much recognition. Only Broadway could have made a dump look neat. But though this aspect was great, the show goes downhill from there.A major drawback to this play is that the plot makes absolutely no sense. First, the cats start singing about being Jellycole cats when no one really knows what they are. Then, they jump from talking about one cat to talking about some other cat, totally losing the audience on the way. In the end, somehow one of the cats goes up into heaven, or something of the sort, for all eternity and the play is over.After hearing others' opinions, I realize that I might not have gotten the show, because I don't own a cat. Call me crazy, but I just didn't see the point of the cast members crawling and meowing down the aisles, occasionally rubbing their costumed heads against a chair in the audience.All in all, I give "Cats" a poor review. I didn't enjoy it. I was confused. Because I was confused, I was bored. With or without good acting, I just don't understand how this confusing play can be the longest running show in the history of Broadway..Review by Holly Cline, Wilmington, DE

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

Sylvia BRONZE said...
on Oct. 26 2010 at 1:23 pm
Sylvia BRONZE, London, Other
3 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love thy neighbour"

It's "Jellicle" cats actually. Moreover, your argument isn't sound. You start off by complimenting that set, dancing, singing etc., and then go on to say that you didn't enjoy it.  Which is it?

Finally, the fact that you've misunderstood the plot shows that you didn't even research it before posting this review, which doesn't really do justice for your readers, or the show. Try and keep this in mind.