Basement Board Game | Teen Ink

Basement Board Game

December 5, 2022
By 4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I like playing board games, but it is more fun when everyone knows what's going on. Some games take ages to set up; hours to play; and lots of instruction reading. When I unboxed Gonuts for Donuts, I knew this was going to be an easy game. 

A stack of cards filled with different types of donuts; jelly filled, plain, glazed, the list goes on and on. At the bottom of each donut, there is an explanation of how you get points. Receive three additional points if you have the most glazed donuts. Along with the playing cards, each player gets another set of cards numbered one to one higher than the number of players. This means if you have 4 players you get 5 cards numbered one to five. Lastly, you get a group of cardboard cutouts of another list numbered one to one higher than the number of players. 

As far as the board is set up, it's super easy. All you have to do is place your cardboard cutouts in the middle with one donut card under each cutout. Each player keeps their numbered cards in their hand. Compared to previous games I've played, this game only took three minutes to set up. 

This game definitely has strategies, but sometimes it can lose you the game. Each player places a number down based on the card they want in their hand. On the count of three everyone flips their card over. If you pick the same number as someone else the card under the picked number gets discarded and you each receive nothing. Some cards are way better than others. This means more people will go after them but you risk not getting anything at all. You can make sure nobody gets the good card unless it's you, go for less risky cards, or try to make others get no cards. 

Once one card is taken, its spot is filled by another in the playing deck. Once the playing deck along with the cards under the cardboard cutouts are all gone the game is over. Each card has points under the donut, and you simply tally up all your points. 

On top of how simple the game is; it is also very inexpensive. You can order Gonuts for Donuts on amazon for only $17.98. This game is really made for anyone. 

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