Bad AD | Teen Ink

Bad AD

December 18, 2013
By Elliot Sweet BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Elliot Sweet BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This advertisement is for Dewar’s White Label scotch whiskey blend. It features a photograph of an attractive, middle aged white woman sitting in a chair holding a glass of Dewar’s White Label. She has a fur coat draped over her shoulders and an expensive looking watch on her left wrist. This woman appears to be about 40 years old and married as she has a ring on her finger. The atmosphere of the picture makes you feel comfortable, as there is a well blended mixture of warm colors. At the bottom of the page it says “THE DRINKING MAN DRINKS RESPONSIBLY.” It also provides basic information about the drink in the advertisement.
This ad uses persuasion techniques to draw in consumers. For one, they use beautiful people to catch the reader’s attention. The model in the photo is a stereotypical good looking woman. This is likely to draw in more customers as men believe they will see prettier women and women will purchase the product more as they believe their image will get better. Drinking is only proven to cause health risks over time rather than improving an individual’s health or looks for that matter.
Although the ad does state this drink has 40% alcohol by volume, it uses the big lie technique when saying “THE DRINKING MAN DRINKS RESPONSIBLY.” This implies that every man (or woman in the case of this ad) is responsible when drinking. In reality, most people are, but we cannot assume that and have everyone go drinking. This is also a bad technique because it urges people to drink more as there are no side effects seen in the ad. They also employ the scapegoating technique where the blame is put on men for being drinkers. Women who see this ad are likely to drink more as they see it as having no risks.
This ad strongly suggests drinking alcohol will give you an attractive girlfriend or wife. In reality, drinking either makes you have a bad night or a non memorable one. No one wants to wake up from a hangover and be married to someone in Las Vegas. It also implies that being a drinker means you are responsible. People who have had a few drinks are likely impaired and thus more likely to cause problems than prevent them.
This ad leaves out the cost of this product as well as where you can buy it. The ad also leaves out the very important fact that drinking too much or too often can create serious health problems or cause accidents. The only information mentioned is that it’s produced in Coral Gables, FL and the company’s website is
This ad offends women by making it seem like they will become more attractive through drinking. The woman in the photo is skinny which says that drinking can be a healthy activity. The ad infers that men are the drinkers, while the picture is of a woman holding a drink. It also offends people in general by saying this brand makes you a more luxurious person and without it you’re not the best you can be.

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