Under Their Skin by Margaret Haddix | Teen Ink

Under Their Skin by Margaret Haddix

February 28, 2019
By taylorrufer BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
taylorrufer BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Haddix’s dystopian work Under Their Skin, twins Erin and Nick have their lives turned upside down. After many years of divorce, their mom reveals to them that she is remarrying. Many changes are being thrown their way, but the biggest one of all is their new step siblings. Erin and Nick have many questions about them, but are told that they would never be allowed to see them. Being such curious kids, the unravel the mystery of their step siblings despite their parents’ wishes. What they find reveals a dark secret involving robots and the future of the human race. Erin and Nick are faced with the terrible realization that they are the world’s only hope to finish what mess they started.

Haddix portrays her thoughts on technology advancement in the future through Under Their Skin. Many companies are taking their crack at artificial intelligence systems and some have even started producing robots of their own. Technology has become a big part of our lives and we continue to let it control and influence us. If we continue to keep making strides in technology, there is the potential that our world could end up as Haddix predicted.

Through their actions, Erin and Nick learn that ignorance is bliss. What they find out about their step siblings, Ava and Jackson, through disobeying their parents horrifies them. We learn that sometimes it is better to be left with the unknown than to learn the truth.

I loved Under Their Skin! It was engaging, interesting, and kept me on the edge of my seat. I never knew what was coming next and really felt for the characters. One of my favorite parts of the book was the cliffhanger ending. It left me in suspense and I wish there was a sequel so I would know what happened after. The whole book kept me wanting more, which is no surprise to me. Margaret Peterson Haddix has always been one of my go-to science fiction and dystopian authors, and this book is no exception.

This book is a fascinating page-turner that will leave your mind in shambles. Throughout the story, I felt scared, suspenseful, surprised, and intrigued, sometimes all at once. I would 100% recommend this book to anyone who likes science fiction and dystopian novels. If you like a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat with suspense, this book is perfect for you!


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