Friendship Rides Away | Teen Ink

Friendship Rides Away

May 13, 2021
By bridgettestarns BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
bridgettestarns BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you and your best friend bike across the country. The ride starts off well, but then the two of you get into a fight that could end your friendship. You go home and start college, and you thought he did too, but he didn't. This is the situation Chris faces in the book Shift.

Shift by Jennifer Bradbury is not only a descriptive book, it is also very realistic. In this book the dialogue is plausible and sounds like a conversation one could have. The plot is also lifelike and can be a real life experience anyone can have.

Winsten Coggans is Chris’s best friend since forever. They have always been each other's only close friend. They beg their parents to let them bike across the country alone, and they finally say yes. So Chris and Win pack their bags and leave the day after graduation. Their friendship is pushed to the limit during the ride, and Win is fed up. They get into a fight, and Chris doesn't see Win again. Chris goes home for college, but what happened to Win? Why has nobody seen him?

Bradbury uses flashbacks in her book to show the reader what happened. The flashbacks go back from a few days before Chris and Win leave for the trip and continue into present time. This helps readers understand what happened during the trip, even though the time change is only a few months apart in the book.

This book was very well written and I rate a ten out of ten. I agree with my rating even though the pace of the book was slower than I would have liked. The pace was fast and I definitely liked that. I think everyone that loves adventure or CRF books should read Shift. Bradbury will have you reading fast. Even through all of this I think it is one of my favorite books, and I would keep an eye out for Shift so you can hopefully enjoy it as much as me.

~Bridgette Starns

The author's comments:

I love reading books, but esspecialy Shift. In my freetime I love playing volleyball, basketball, and reading. I hope you enjoy this review.


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