The Selection by Kiera Cass | Teen Ink

The Selection by Kiera Cass MAG

December 20, 2021
By c123 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
c123 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It all starts when main character, America, gets picked to try and win over the heart of Prince Maxon. She is one of 35 girls competing for the crown. However, she is the only one not interested in the crown. This makes life very complicated for not only America, but Maxon as well. Maxon immediately falls for America, who is really there just to get away from her hometown ex-boyfriend.

When reading The Selection by Kiera Cass, you can truly picture each and every detail within the story. This book makes you feel like you are right there in the kingdom of Illéa. It also makes you wish you could experience all of the ball gowns and royalty for yourself. This book is noticeably fiction, considering it takes place in a futuristic kingdom with caste systems and completely different traditions. Surprisingly, it often mentions “the past,” which is our present. The main character, America, struggles to stay true to herself throughout this book.

While America tries to remain herself, her heart is caught in a battle to choose between the prince of the kingdom, Maxon, and her hometown boyfriend, Aspen. I am going to be completely honest when I say that there are many, many times where America will get annoying. Not only is she exceedingly selfish, but she is also tremendously indecisive. You may find yourself bothered by her actions. Despite this, the author does a beautiful job of keeping the reader interested. It will be excruciatingly hard to put the book down. 

With lots of twists and turns and plenty of surprises, the story will be over before you know it. Luckily, there are five sequels to entertain you equally as much. There is love, danger, and friendships throughout The Selection. In short, America is brought up from her lower-class life to the most elegant and well-supplied life imaginable. Not only has her life just been flipped completely upside down, but she also has unfinished business back home. On top of all this, she is now thrown into a competition with 35 girls to try and win over the heart of Prince Maxon. As you can imagine, lots go wrong, but some things happen in favor of America. 

Once again, Kiera Cass does such an outstanding job at writing this book, that she is able to make the reader feel as if they are right there in the palace. It is an understatement to say she keeps you on the edge of your seat constantly. I would highly recommend this book, not only to people who especially enjoy reading books with royalty involved, but also to people who enjoy reading romances in general. I can easily and wholeheartedly say The Selection by Kiera Cass is undoubtedly worth every second.


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