Shatter Me | Teen Ink

Shatter Me

April 29, 2024
By 5harlos BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5harlos BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shatter Me is a  “2011” mystery and love “story”. The book involves a girl named Juliette who was trapped in a dark place for 264 days–All alone with no idea what's happening in the world. The room has only one window with metal bars with a bird that is always flying by. Then a boy gets thrown in with Juliette. “This book was published on the 15th and was narrated by a 17 year old girl with a lethal touch” with “ Juliette thinks she can't touch people or she’ll kill them. Or so she thought. ”The boy tells Juliette his name which was Adam and they become friends. Overtime things change for both of these two 17 year old. 

Some of my initial thoughts when I began reading this book was that it was gonna be more action but after a huge plot twist. I was very surprised. Then my whole opinion on the book changed and I couldn’t put it down.

The plot of this story was interesting because it got me wondering how she is going to get out of where she was trapped. It also had me wondering what the bird meant and why it kept on flying past Juliette’s window. 

This book was well written because it had you wondering what was going to happen next. I couldn’t predict what was going to happen between Juliette and the boy who was also trapped with her. I would be questioning why things turned out to be different then how I thought they would have been, which kept me entertained. 

The author described “the” setting and characters well. I could easily picture what each of the characters were wearing and what they were like. When Juliette gets out she describes what she sees all around her and actually gets to see the real world for the first time, after being trapped for 264 days–All alone.

The author's comments:

This piece really got me interested at the very beginning and i had to continue reading it because the hook was really catchy. 


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