Teen Idol by Meg Cabot | Teen Ink

Teen Idol by Meg Cabot

December 16, 2009
By Turttle BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Turttle BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trina knit her brow, “Jen? Are you alright?”

“You know what? No, I’m not.” Because I’m sick of being nice little Jenny Greenley, everybody’s best friend. I want to be nice to people. Yes, it’s true.

But I also want people to be nice back. Not just to me, but to each other for a change.

Teen Idol is a fantastic realistic fiction novel by Meg Cabot. Jenny Greenley, the protagonist, is nice to everyone, and is the confidant of many. Jen even becomes ‘Annie’ in her school’s newspaper in the ‘Ask Annie’ relationship advice column. When millionaire movie star Luke Striker comes to Clayton High School to research his next role, Jenny isn’t surprised that she has been assigned to be his student guide. Unlike most the other girls, Jen isn’t in love with Luke, but instead becomes his friend. Luke is horrified at the life in the public high school and pushes Jen to reform the social aspect of the school. All this is happening and the Spring Fling is quickly approaching. Will Jenny have her first date with the boy of her dreams?

I thought that Meg Cabot has a great view of teenage relationships. She showed how bullies think and how their victims feel, as well as dating, friendships, longing and the absurdity of celebrity crushes. I liked the style of the writing because it portrayed Jenny’s emotions so well. The ‘Ask Annie’ columns before each chapter make the book more interesting because each posed a question to the reader, seeing if they could tell what would happen in the following chapter. Meg Cabot also uses descriptive metaphors that make sense, such as Jen was mayonnaise, she holds everything together. I really liked this dramatic book because Jen was a very realistic and relatable character.

Teen Idol is one of the many books that Meg Cabot has written. It was good read, but teenage girls would probably like this book better than, say, older men. Teen Idol gets 8 of 10 stars because it was interesting and fun, but leaves you wondering a little bit at the end. Go and read Teen Idol today!


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