Violet on the Runway by Melissa Walker | Teen Ink

Violet on the Runway by Melissa Walker

September 13, 2010
By E.Petersen BRONZE, Earlham, Iowa
E.Petersen BRONZE, Earlham, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a high fashion model in New york City? In the book "Violet on the Runway" by Melissa Walker, Violet gets the experience of a lifetime, or so she thought.
Violet Greenfield was just an ordinary 17 year old girl living in a small town in North Carolina. She was your typical teenage geek; extremely tall and skinny, and wears glasses.She's got two best friends; Julie, whois always busy working on school work or the school newspaper, and Roger, the average, smart-alec kind of guy.
The three of them were definitely not considered popular. There was this other group called the BK girls, a.k.a. the pretty, popular girls, that violet and her friends tend to make fun of on a daily basis, but they keep it all to themselves. they don't want any drama. But the truth is Violet was secretly jealous of them and wanted to be one of them. but that all changed over her senior year of highschool.
Violet was at work at the movie theater when Angela Blythe from Tryst Models discovered her. After begging her parents, Violet was finally on a plane to New York City. She thought it would be a good experience for her; however, she did not realize how much it would change her life.
This is a great book to read for teenage girls who are interested modeling and fashion. It includes great detail about Violet's journey of becoming a model and all the stuggles that come with it. I would give this book a rating of 5 out 5 stars. The overall plot of the book was very appealing to me and it kept me wanting to read. This book was not all about what was happening to her, but also how she was feeling about things. Although I am not a model and most likely will never be one, this book gave me a good idea of what it could be like if I were to ever the opportunity.


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