The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

September 19, 2010
By daisy450 BRONZE, West Seneca, New York
daisy450 BRONZE, West Seneca, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This summer I read The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. If you want a summer romance you should read this book. It ended up being one of my favorite books. And it might just become yours.
Ronnie Miller was stuck with her dad for the whole summer. She hasn’t seen him in two years. This books all about her relationship with her dad and how she falls in love. Even though she falls in love there is a lot of sad parts too. This book was really good. One of the things that made it good was the main character Ronnie. Throughout the book she struggles with her dad and her feelings about him. I can understand why she didn’t want out talk to him after 2 years of staying out of her life. Another thing that made the book really good was the ending. What was really cute was how Ronnie and Will ended up, Will is the guy she fell in love with. But even though the ending was really cute, it also was very sad. This might be giving something away but the dad ends up getting really sick. Ronnie has to deal with that. And because of this she ends up understanding him more and how she sees him now.

There are many people I would recommend this book to. I would recommend it to girls who like romances. There is a lot of romance in this book, it’s really cute. Then it would be toward people who can deal with sadness. Even though this is a cute book it just sometimes makes you cry. If you don’t like longer books then you shouldn’t read this. Then I would recommend it to people who really like drama.
Now you know why I like this book. Also you know why it’s my favorite and why I think it’s good! This book is one of the cutest books I’ve ever read. So overall it’s a really good book!


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