Twilight-Who Cares? by Stephanie Meyer | Teen Ink

Twilight-Who Cares? by Stephanie Meyer

November 9, 2010
By CandieApple PLATINUM, Hartford, Wisconsin
CandieApple PLATINUM, Hartford, Wisconsin
29 articles 0 photos 90 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is a stage, and we are merely players- Shakespeare (at least it goes something like that!!)

Twilight-Who Cares?

A not so recent novel has become a #1 hit sensation. This novel would be Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.

The first time I read this book was before everyone went hungry for “hot”, bloodthirsty creatures known as the “Modern Vampire”. At the time, it was a very good read. I could not put this book down, even for television! But as the hunger grew, and the fans became even wilder I noticed something. Was it even a good story to begin with?

Stephanie has a type of writing style that seduces you. She will write with such emotion that any average girl would drool over. You can't say that you don't even have a dream man! Everyone does at some point, right? Well, Stephanie's vision of Edward sure does take the cake.

Edward is a handsome teenager who sits with mysterious people who are presumably his “siblings” at the lunch table. He doesn't speak to much of anyone. He has this aura of knowing-ness and pulls you in with his “inviting” smell. So of course a character like Bella would become infatuated with him. Am I right?

Bella is one of the most ignorant characters I've possibly ever read about. She goes to Forks because she thinks her mom would be happier with just her and Phil. She might be correct, but if you really have to lie so hard about it, why not just stay in Phoenix? Because we sure do know you just love Phoenix. It's nice of her to think about her mom, but then describe her in a way that makes her seem so childish? Didn't she raise you? If you think your Mom has problems why not take a look at yourself sometime?

Yeah, maybe Bella might make the story, but that doesn't mean that the story is necessarily a great one. Stephanie Meyer just draws you in to her stories with her way with words. Did she think about it more than once or did she read it one time and say, “Yup, this works!”, and handed it into the editor and the editor says:

“Yeah! It sure does!” And then that's the end of that story.

The character I feel the worst about is Jacob. The poor guy obviously likes Bella, but Bella is so obsessed with Edward that the only reason she hangs out with him is for danger! Because for some reason whenever Bella does something stupid, Edward magically appears before her and says:

“Halt! Do not go there!” But of course she does.

So Jacob falls for Bella (I do not know how!) and she kisses him. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I will not rant any longer on this novel because it is not worth all of my time.


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on Nov. 22 2010 at 12:28 am
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

I agree with you. The most realistic characters are Jacob, Edward and the rest of the Cullens. The rest seem like cardboard cutouts, Bella especially. She's also a whiny, selfish brat.