The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

January 2, 2011
By TristonAdams BRONZE, Parkersburg, West Virginia
TristonAdams BRONZE, Parkersburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The Hobbit is a really exciting tale of a little hobbit and the huge adventure he goes through. I read that one of the reasons J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the book was for his own children to enjoy, but the intended audience of this book could be anywhere from 13 up to adults, as I know a 30 year old who claims to have read it 5 times and as recently as last year. Because of how well the book was written and the great characters, this is a great book for someone of any age to read.

The only background information you need to know about this book is that it is a prequel to the Lord of The Rings series. I do not have many criterions to judge this book as it is the first one I have ever read from cover to cover. To summarize the book, Bilbo is convinced to go with a large pack of Dwarves as a thief to help them get their mountain back from an evil dragon called Smaug. Along the way they run into trolls, elves, spiders, goblins, eagles, and participate in a huge battle.

I really enjoyed all of the books key elements. The plot really worked well for someone my age, it had a great reward at the end of all their hard work, and it had some amazing characters like Bilbo, Gandalf, and Thorin. It had sad parts too at the end where a main character learned a good life lesson. Knowing that this book was wrote before the Lord of The Rings I think it sets up that book really well. It already lets you meet a few of the main characters and makes you interested to see what happens to Bilbo and his ring. I haven't read any other books like this so it makes it hard to compare to books like it, but I know that I would be interested in reading more books like it if there any.

The great characters and the adventure in this book really have made it an enjoyment to read. From the very beginning of being introduced to Bilbo and all his adventures with trying to escape being eaten by trolls, trying to get out of a goblin cave, being chased by wolves and spiders, and helping the dwarves escape from an Elvish prison along with trying to defeat a dragon and survive a war I really had a great time reading it. While I expected this project to be no fun at all, the book was so great it has made this little project turn into its own huge adventure.

The author's comments:
I had to write a review for my 8th grade Langage Arts class.


This article has 3 comments.

OBOMBYA said...
on Apr. 28 2011 at 8:25 am
this review was amazing I think U deserve a high five!

on Apr. 28 2011 at 8:20 am

this review was the best thing I have ever read in my life!


Mrs. Horton said...
on Mar. 30 2011 at 8:27 am
Absolutely love your concluding sentence.  Understanding of the procedures is evident. Remember to always proofread...