Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin | Teen Ink

Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin

June 12, 2011
By booksmaya SILVER, San Leandro, California
booksmaya SILVER, San Leandro, California
6 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is a way to be good again."

Something Borrowed, written by Emily Giffin, explains the story of Rachel and Darcy, perfect best friends. Rachel and Darcy, who both grew up in Indiana, move to New York to start their lives. As Rachel goes to law school at NYU, she meets Dex, the perfect guy, but when he meets Darcy, they form a relationship, which crushes Rachel. When Darcy gets engaged to Dexter, Rachel seems genuinely happy for them, but in fact has fallen madly in love with Dex. The story continues to address the theme of friendship and the difficult decision that is faced when the only ultimatum is choosing between friends and love. I thought this book had a comforting feel, which made it both sentimental and witty.

Reading Something Borrowed was quite lovely. Emily Giffin, the author, was actually a lawyer before settling into writing. When I first read her biography on the back of the book, the first thing that came to my head was the word oxymoron. Her writing style is so humorous with such a clever tone of amusement and practicality, which I thought was a bit surprising due to her former profession. However, after a while, I began to think at what a versatile author she is. Even though, she is an accomplished lawyer and New York Times Best Seller, she writes with such simplicity showing the real and true realities of friendship. I do not want to give away the whole premise of the novel, but the interest level of this book was definitely satisfying.

When I was reading the book, one of my favorite qualities was the dynamics between all of the characters. The plot line of the novel is sentimental because it explains the story of two best friends who have known each other for the last 25 years through thick and thin and now have to face the obstacle, which may in fact end that very friendship. Through reading this book, I learned a lot about friendship and whether or not love is worth the loss of it.

In the end, I would like to recommend this book to people looking for a feel-good book that describes friendships, love, and everything in between. I really enjoyed reading this novel because of its story telling quality of explaining if who we are is actually who we want to be in the end.

The author's comments:
Fabulously entertaining.


This article has 3 comments.

jadadubois said...
on Oct. 6 2016 at 11:28 am
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Jada DuBois Ms.Allen English lll October 5, 2016 Something Borrowed by Emily Griffin Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in love with someone you could never be with? Something Borrowed is a nonfiction book that tells a tale about two best friends that end up in a very complicated situation. Since elementary school Darcy and Rachel have been best friends. Until one night Rachel woke up in bed with Darcy’s fiance. Waking up in hope that she can put this one night behind her, Rachel realizes she has true feelings for him. While Darcy spends a few weekend in the Hamptons, Rachel and Dex both spend time together with the man she believes she has always loved. With the September wedding date coming up, Rachel has to make a choice even though it seems that Dex is going to go through with the wedding. Coming to terms that Darcy is the manipulative person she’s always been, Rachel is done with not going after what she wants just because of her. While things take an unexpected turn, it wraps up what will happen in this controversial affair. Griffin is able to stay away from a usual best friend affair; she manages to create empathy for her characters. She does an effective character development by not concentrating on the whiny characters thereby making it a likable and enjoyable book to read. Griffin could have created more conflict between the characters to express how they really feel towards others. For example, she gets the point across on why Rachel wants to go after what she wants because she’s tired of Darcy getting in her way all the time but by giving more examples and explaining more as to why she acts the way she does at some points in the book would draw more attention. It definitely is a book that would pull you in with the very first line. If you’re a person who loves to read and enjoys nonfiction drama books, then I would highly recommend this book for you.

on Jul. 1 2011 at 10:07 pm
Cynthia Smith, Powder Sprigns, Georgia
0 articles 5 photos 4 comments
I read this book a while back and though I enjoyed the writing style, I really detested all of the characters... They all had such selfishness (albeit on different levels) that I just couldn't find them likable at all. It was a well-written review, though, and it's interesting to see a different perspective on the book. (:

on Jun. 23 2011 at 11:36 am
LolipopsnGinger, Chicago, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.
-Jim Elliot

I read this book and the rest fo te series and i LOVED it !!!