Dear Dumb Diary, Can Adults become Human? by Jim Benton | Teen Ink

Dear Dumb Diary, Can Adults become Human? by Jim Benton

March 7, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever thought adults weren't considered human? Have you thought of them as animals?

In this book Dear Dumb Diary, can adults become human? by Jim Benton, the main character Jamie thinks adults relate more to animals then humans. She finds the way adults interact very interesting compared to anyone Jamie's own age. Some of the things she finds odd is that adults don't just tell each other how they feel, and even more confusing, why they act so different at work then they do outside of work. Jamie decides to try and answer her questions about these adults, telling you through her “Dumb Diary” in a funny, humorous way to make it so much more interesting. So, Jamie watches her teachers at school ,and personally asks them as well, why they act the way they do, but she never gets a direct answer.

And with the help of her friend Isabella, and her teachers and aunt Jamie decides during a get together with teachers her aunt knew and her friends, that adults never become human and humans never become adults, because adults don't exist. We're all like animals, we get mad, we care but we're selfish sometimes too. Everyone has downs and ups in their personalities and way of life, but that's what makes us unique in the end.


This article has 1 comment.

jannete10 said...
on Apr. 28 2014 at 8:03 pm
realy impressive love how they explained it