Timelock by David Klass | Teen Ink

Timelock by David Klass

October 4, 2011
By ColinS BRONZE, Monticello,
ColinS BRONZE, Monticello,
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Timelock is an action-packed science fiction novel written by David Klass. Timelock is the third book in the Caretaker Trilogy.
Timelock is about a boy named Jack who is actually from an apocalyptic future version of earth, but has been sent back in time to save the world from ending up the way it turned out. His first mission was in Firestorm when he had to save the oceans. Then in Whirlwind he had to save the Amazon rain forest and he meets his worst enemy, The Dark Lord, who is the evil genetically-altered commander of the Dark Army. Now he learns why he had to save the Earth.

In the beginning, Jack is jogging In Manhattan when he gets the feeling he’s being watched, and Jack knows when he’s being watched because he has had the feeling before, when he was at a party with his girlfriend from high school, P.J., he loves her, but his destiny won’t let that happen, because he’s suddenly 10,000 years in the future fighting for his life with his family and friends.

Eko and Gisco, are his guardians from the future. Oh yeah did I mention that Gisco is a telepathic dog and Eko is a ninja that he is supposed to marry, according to his destiny. They are all Dannites which are from the kingdom of Dann, which is a resistance to the Dark Army. They try to stop the Dark Army from rising. The Dark Army are all mutants and cyborgs and they thrive in the future wasteland and their only goal is to wipe out the Dannites.

This is one of my favorite books, and I enjoyed reading it. I enjoyed reading it because I like action and science-fiction books. So this was a good book for me and I was able to read it pretty fast so it wouldn’t be a bad AR book.


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