The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell | Teen Ink

The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

October 30, 2011
By TinyK BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
TinyK BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

General Zaroff

Have you every had a bad first impression? First impressions usually tell a lot about a person. In Richard Connel’s short story, “The Most Dangerous Game,” the first impression of General Zaroff was he is a scary man. In Connel’s story a man named Rainsford finds himself on a “dangerous” island with a monstrous General Zaroff who hunts people. Based on General Zaroff’s appearance, actions, and other people’s reactions, it is obvious that General Zaroff has lost is mind.

First, the way General Zaroff’s looks and dresses with his pointed nose or is nice clothes give the reader the impression that he is mysterious and crazy. Connel first describes Zarroff on page 17, “Another man was coming down the broad marble steps, an erect, slender man in evening clothes,”(Connel 17). Zaroff, in evening clothes looks suspicious on a dark deserted island. Also, Zaroff’s black military moustache, pointed nose, and sharp teeth are some scary description of a man that no one would want to be acquainted with, a man who has lost is mind.

Next, obviously, by General Zaroffs actions he has gone insane. General Zaroff became tired of hunting animals and now hunts human. No one in their right mind would try and kill humans as a sport. Zaroff tells; Rainsford exactly what he is looking for in this new animal to hunt, “It must have courage, cunning, and, above all, it must be able to reason,” (Conell 21). Zaroff is mad to have the hobby of a murderer.

Finally, through the response from other people we can see that General Zaroff has lost his mind. Shock and unbelief are Rainsford’s response to general Zaroff’s actions when Rainsford says, ‘“I can’t believe you are serious...This is a grisly joke,”’(Conell 21). Here, Rainsford states the obvious that Zaroffs is a murderer. Now others have seen and stated that Zaroff has lost his mind.

Based on General Zaroff’s appearance, actions and other people’s reactions it is obvious that General Zaroff, has lost is mind. First, Zaroff’s pointed black military moustache and sharp-cut nose makes him look creepy. Then, He murders people as a sport and doesn’t think twice about it. Also, Rainsford’s reaction shows that Zaroff is insane to kill people. In conclusion General Zaroff, by is first impression, is a man that has lost is mind and would be one to stay away from.


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