The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein | Teen Ink

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

November 5, 2011
By sjones65 BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
sjones65 BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Art of Racing in the Rain
By Garth Stein, Harper Paperbacks, 2009, 336 pages
$9.06, ISBN 0061537969

“You’ve always been with me… You’ve always been there for me Enzo…” were some of the last words Denny said to his dog Enzo before Enzo died.

Denny is a strong man and fighter who loves to drive racecars in the rain. His wife Eve just died and her parent want custody of Zoe (his only child). He goes to work one day and gets handcuffed and arrested for the rape of a child in the third degree. While juggling his job, Enzo, lawyers, will Denny have to give up Zoe or stay a fighter until the end?

Garth Stein has a unique way of writing. He wrote the book from the dog’s(Enzo) point of view, and gave you a new view on how your pet might think. This book makes you question your action, it makes you wonder if you should have ‘said that’ or ‘done that’. I recommend this book to people of all ages if you love a heart-warming, funny, uplifting and captivating story about fighting for what you love.


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