Rangers Apprentice by John Flanagan | Teen Ink

Rangers Apprentice by John Flanagan

December 8, 2011
By mattchapler SILVER, Mounds View, Minnesota
mattchapler SILVER, Mounds View, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Rangers Apprentice series by John Flanagan is a spark of creativity, The author’s words magically painting pictures or directing a movie in you head. With characters you can connect with, you feel like you are in the book and part of the action and adventure, and the plot is always changing throwing one surprise after another at you.

In this series, you will follow the characters on a wild adventure with surprising twists from fitting beasts to invading enemy lands and barley escaping with their lives, only to be kidnapped. The characters travel to far off lands through snow and cold across oceans and through deserts, fighting mercenaries, wizards and beasts and struggling to hold together. The world is large and you travel to all corners for all reasons and each one has its own characteristics, both stark and beautiful.

The cast of characters is insanely large. but the author’s ability to create “book covers” making it hard to see their true personality until you know them is amazing. He covers every type of person from impulsive kids to Stern stone faced adults giving them mysterious personalities and motives. Each character you fallow pulls there Friends along even through the hardest times.

The author’s omniscient writing is fantastic. His use of everyday interactions and problems is wonderful. He thinks of everything from characters liking coffee to pranks from one characters to another that leave them looking stupid. All the characters have separate opinions on people, when one thinks someone is wonderful his friend may think he is a creep.

The books are a work of art and an exhilarating read. They keep you on the edge of your seat and keep you wanting more. You wait for them to let you down but they never do. The books stay true to the four morals I think it is trying to get across. “Trust in your friends”, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, “don't make assumptions” and “things are NEVER quite the way they seem”. Though they are only fiction books they teach loyalty, friendship, trust, and perseverance and illustrate them in every little interaction. The rangers are the teachers of perseverance and trust, The young knight the leader of loyalty and the rangers apprentice the messenger of Friendship.


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