Just Listen by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

December 22, 2011
By ElenaP SILVER, Phx, Arizona
ElenaP SILVER, Phx, Arizona
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

I’m going to start off by saying I absolutely adore this book. I love how Sarah Dessen uses things that actually happen in high school in her novel Just Listen. How deceiving things can be and how life always has new turns. Showing how parties can turn out to be dangerous and how there are people out there who suffer from eating disorders and such reality puts an effect on the reader. The story follows Annabel Greene and Owen Armstrong and all the problems that come when being in high school, family issues and ex-best friends come together. The book also shows how the "outcast" could always turn out to be your best friend if you just give them a chance. I love the message this book has even if it has to use some unhappy things to portray it.
“There comes a time in every life, when the world gets quiet, and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn to know the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what its saying.” This is one of my favorite quotes from the book. It explains how people should listen to their heart more often.
Sarah Dessen’s books are loved by teens. Dreamlands, Keeping the Moon, Someone like You, That Summer, The Truth about Forever, This Lullaby, Lock and Key, Along the Ride, and What Happened to Goodbye are books Sarah Dessen has written and teens love. She dropped out of Greensboro College and started taking classes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She worked as a waitress for some time. Then she became a teacher at UNC then left her job to become a full time writer.


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