A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks

April 1, 2012
By Jenif Aspen BRONZE, Tamilnadu, Other
Jenif Aspen BRONZE, Tamilnadu, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you were bored with hearing an old love tale, 'Romeo and Juliet,''A walk to remember' is a good choice for you. As I wandered through library stacks, my eyes eventually got the attention of the book 'A walk to remember.' As the title suggests this book will took you to the year of 1948, where you could find a couple who loved each other truth fully.

Nicholas Sparks set this story with a character Landon as a leading role, who narrates the events of his teenage life. Back up from North Carolina, Landon was raised by his mother. Landon's father spends most of his time in Washington and was strange to his son. With the advice of his father, Landon participates in the school election and won. By the victory, it becomes one of the responsibilities of Landon is attending the homecoming dance.

But at that time, Landon broke up with his girlfriend and was confused what to do. At last he manages to find a girl named Jamie who agrees to dance with her. Jamie was a minister's daughter who has strong religious faith. She believes that all things in life will be done according to God's plan. Both Landon and Jamie acted in their school Christmas play where they become popular. The play was written by Jamie's father, and it was his personal life after his death of wife.

Landon falls in love with Jamie in their rehearsal time, and as a result Jamie began to do good things like helping in orphanage.

At the last chapter, Jamie, 57 years old man remembers his love for Jamie as follows, In front of God and everyone else, Id promised my love and devotion, in sickness and in health, and Id never felt so good about anything. It was, I remember, the most wonderful moment of my life. It is now forty years later, and I can still remember everything from that day, I may be older and wiser, I may have lived another life since then...

This was the passage I liked most in this book.

Nicholas wrote this story with many twists and turns. Landon and Jamie loved each other truthfully by the pain, and sorry they passed in their life. It may bring tears in your eyes, but it will teach you the fact, 'Love conquers all.'


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