Night by Elie Wiesel | Teen Ink

Night by Elie Wiesel

April 2, 2012
By Paige Woodford BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Paige Woodford BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By: Elie Wiesel

In Night by Elie Wiesel, is a told story of Wiesel, a holocaust survivor and his journey and life from living in a normal home to being thrown into a concentration camp. Wiesel first starts off in his home of the Transylvanian town of Sighet, when he is twelve years old. As you read more into the book, he describes his rough journey of being taken from his home and having to walk with his family, get into a car, and being taken away; where he would never see his home again. The horrific car ride consisted of a particular woman having panic attacks and nightmares along the way. Once Eliezer comes to the conclusion of her outrageous behavior, he now comes to find they are being transported to Birkenau. The severity of the situation had not yet hit Elie until the doors of the car opened, and immediately they were ripped from the car and separated. Once separated, he would say good bye to his mother and sisters, also to never see them again; later on to find out when their deaths occurred. As the story goes on, he explains more in depth of the living and social conditions of the camp, along with the people he encounters, once his transport to Auschwitz. By the end of his story, Elie was alone, his mother was dead, his sister’s were dead, and his father was dead as well; not being able to handle the conditions of camp, his father ultimately lost his battle with sickness. On April 11, 1945 is the day of his rescuing, by the American Army.

Reading this book made me feel immensely different about my life. I know think to appreciate my life, and never take anything for granted, to appreciate the opportunities I have in life. Elie Wiesel is inspiring; he chose never to give in, and never to give up, not only on himself but his father as well. Something I will never forget is when he says “My God, Lord of the Universe, give me the strength never to do what Rabbi Eliahou’s son has done.” This part if referring to when the prisoners were on their death march, there was a boy that had abandoned his father and ran ahead during the march, and left him for dead. Ultimately, the father left for dead, did die. Elie feels that was the ultimate betrayal, which he now wishes to make sure, and pray he never does that to his father. I highly recommend this book; it will change you and give you a new perspective of your own life. I believe everyone’s life is sacred and we should never take it for granted, because one second you could be living your life, and the next it’s all taken away from you.


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