Summer Ball by Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Summer Ball by Mike Lupica

May 26, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Summary: Danny has always been the star of the basketball team. His dad was an NBA player for many years so he knows how to play the game. Danny goes to a summer basketball camp but finds out he is probably the smallest one there. Danny needs to find a solution to his problem. He keeps getting burned by taller players on the court, and to top it off he has a coach at camp who hates him and vice versa. Danny also has problems with other players at camp. A boy named Lamar has got it out for Danny, but Lamar is way taller than Danny. At one point Danny fakes an injury to try and get out of camp but later finds encouragement form a friend. Danny practices all of his moves so he can get around those larger players. Danny and Lamar go head to head in the championship, but Danny prevails. All of Danny's hard work pays off. Danny's team goes into the camp championship and wins it by one point.

Character: Danny is a die hard basketball player. He never ever gives up and always tries his hardest. Danny has endurance and knows how to persevere.

Recommendations: If you are a basketball fan you will probably understand and like this book better than others. If you don't like basketball this is still a good book though. If you want a book that will inspire you to try your hardest this is a great book. This book is all about going through hardships and finding your way no matter what. You should definitely read this book. (This book is not the first in a series, it is third)

Genre: Sports

Rating: out of 1-10 I gave it a 9.


This article has 2 comments.

WintersAA said...
on Apr. 27 2014 at 11:17 pm
This is a great book it teaches good useful life lessons. It teaches that you need to listen to the advice you recieve from your elders. It teaches not to get discouraged because of the little things that you cant change and just to keep your head up and try and hope for the best. This is a great book for any basketball fan or just any ordinary person.

7894561230 said...
on Oct. 25 2011 at 9:34 pm
good book! this is a awesome summary yoo tks