The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini | Teen Ink

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini MAG

September 14, 2012
By AidanC-L BRONZE, Montreal, Other
AidanC-L BRONZE, Montreal, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Kite Runner is a harrowing novel that's a testament to the values of life that are most sacred. This masterpiece is a tale of friendship, betrayal, and redemption.

Initially set in 1970s Kabul, Afghanistan, The Kite Runner revolves around the friendship of Amir and Hassan. Amir, a wealthy Pashtun boy, spends his days with his servant and loyal best friend, Hassan. Flying kites is one of their favorite activities. They are like brothers: totally inseparable. However, cultural differences and the tense socio-political climate in Afghanistan lead to the ultimate betrayal of their friendship. Hassan's boyhood is stolen and Amir is left hollow. Eventually, Amir and his father flee the country, leaving Hassan and his father to face a dire fate.

This book is not intended for the weak of heart, since it deals with mature subject matter that can be shocking and heart-wrenching. However, I strongly recommend it for older teens. It teaches important life lessons. Readers are exposed to the callousness of our world that some might ignore. It represents, without sugar-coating, the struggles of life that many face.

All in all, The Kite Runner is a must-read. This precious gem may make you think before you act, since there can be unforeseen consequences. Hats off to Khaled Hosseini for writing this amazing novel.


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