Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce | Teen Ink

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

October 25, 2013
By Daisy578 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Daisy578 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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They say to not judge a book by its cover, but to be honest, the cover is what attracted me to read Sisters Red. I'm not disappointed about the contents inside the book either. The main characters of the book are two sisters, Scarlett and Rosie, who are scarred by their past. The event that changed their lives a long time ago brought them closer to one another. Together they hunt the monsters who lurk the night looking for young girls to quench their thirst.

Sisters Red is one of those books that you can not simply put down. The plot of the story constantly keeps you on your toes, waiting to see what will happen next. Every page of this book is a new adventure. Pearce’s amazing style of writing makes you feel as if you're actually living the story. It transports you to a whole other world where there are monsters who are out to get you in the dark.

Sisters Red is a modern twist on the old fairy tale, Red Riding Hood. It has the big bad wolves, but forget about the naive girl. I would recommend this book to those who are interested in The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. Both of these books have a hidden, growing romance that grows as you flip through the pages. Overall, Sisters Red is a magnificent twist of an old classic.


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