Ender?s Game by Orson Scott | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game by Orson Scott

November 22, 2013
By SoaringSnowflake BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
SoaringSnowflake BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ender’s Game: Book vs. Movie

Earth has seen better days. Decades ago an alien race attacked earth and tried to colonize, we won but to our great despair, by killing tens of millions of people. We defeated them under the command of Mazer Rackham. Now things are different. Colonel Graff fears they will strike again soon, so he monitors every child in the world. Colonel Graff needs a commander that will be ruthless, fearless, and empathetic. Also to see how they overcome lifes? problems, Ender Wiggin a Third child who usually is not allowed to have been born has proven to be one of their best candidates for that position. Proven by his Battle Simulation Strategies, he can understand, and Crush them with precision. Overall both the book and movie were alike and different in many ways.
The Director of the movie made some rational decisions when he cut scenes from the book in the movie. Such as, Ender supposedly met Bean in the Dragon Army when Bean was put to be part of his army, not when they met on the Space shuttle going up to battle school. I think that the Director did this because he wanted Bean to be an ally from the beginning when they meet. Also when Ender Broke Bernard’s arm and ripped off someone’s ear, he probably didn’t include these parts because they could have made the movie not PG-13. Locke and Demontheses was sort of an important part in the book but not in the movies so, I understand why the director would cut it, also that scene would only show that peter for sure is the ruthless one and Valentine was the over-compassionate one, we know that Ender would be the perfect combination of them both, not to Compassionate but not ruthless enough to go straight for the kill. The Movie was good but it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be.
The Film Ender’s Game is a movie that entertains the audience, and shows the different war ethics there are. “In the moment when I know my enemy well enough to destroy him, in that moment I think I also love him.” This displays his compassionate side, and he can put himself in the enemy’s shoes, and can figure out their strategies. I totally understand why ender had started to cry after he had found out that not only was it not a simulation, but he had actually destroyed their planet and their Lives. When he finds the Formic on the planet that we took over, I was like wow, so there still is one of them but he didn’t destroy it he took the embryo with him when he went to go find another world for it to colonize. Also in the book when Colonel Graff retrieves Ender from earth he supposedly is 6 years old, but in the movie he is portrayed as 10- 12 years old. I think that the Director did this because we would relate to the movie much more if he were our age not a 6 year old. The Actors of this movie were well Chosen like when we saw Bonzo most of us girls immediately thought of Rico from Hannah Montana, also when he picked Valentine some people immediately thought about the movie Nim?s Island. This was a good strategy because then we would be able to connect to see if they were actually very good at playing a certain role.
To me the ending of the movie was sort of confusing because in the book when he went to go travel he took valentine with him, but in the movie he went alone. Also I was wondering why didn’t he take Valentine, or at least Petra with him to go travel, or why didn’t he just go back to earth and live happily ever after.
Overall this movie was a really interesting, different one, the book really drew me in with the different events that Happened I can?t wait for when they make more movies if they do.


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