The Book Theif by Marcus Zusak | Teen Ink

The Book Theif by Marcus Zusak

April 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Book Thief Review

The book thief is a novel which talks about the hardships during the horrifying problem of the Nazi’s and Hitler. In the novel it takes place in Molching, Germany on Heaven Street which holds many Germans as well as Jews. The Hubbermans receives a new child; her name was Lesiel Memminger who came from a lost family. Each and every day something new, exciting, or even something horrible can happen, this will only bring the family of the Hubbermans closer.

The main character of the book thief, Lesiel Memminger is an adventurous and friendly person. Lesiel learns a lot from losing her only family, and also gains a lot of knowledge and love from her new family, the Hubbermans. She makes friends with Rudy and Max, her new best friends and she learns to love her Papa and Mama even more as they grow together throughout the story. Throughout the horrifying event, Lesiel survives by stealing books and learning how to read and write. Each and every day she becomes more and more fascinated by new words, books, and letters. She’s learning to survive in a world full of harm.

What’s the difference between the book and the movie? There are many differences and similarities. For example, in the movie there were a lot of changes and cuts, especially ideas that were important on connecting some of the characters together. In the book I thought they provided more examples and descriptions rather than in the movie. Even though there were pros and cons for the book and movie, they both provided a great story line for the Book Thief.

I would recommend both the book and movie because they both provided a great vivid description and motion picture. Although the movie may have skipped many scenes, it still delivered a great plot from the book itself. The characters in the movie represented the characters in the book very well also, through acting, and emotion. The book will be great to read before watching the movie because of each individual’s point of view.


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