Kitchen Gods Wife by Amy Tan | Teen Ink

Kitchen Gods Wife by Amy Tan

June 13, 2014
By Katherine Gonzalez BRONZE, Lemon Grove, California
Katherine Gonzalez BRONZE, Lemon Grove, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the novel “The Kitchens God’s Wife” Amy Tan uses characterization and parallelism to exemplify an ambiguous character in the novel.The ambiguous character in the novel is Wen Fu , Weilis first husband.Wen Fu brings negativity into the story which makes him the main conflict of the story.Therefore causing the reader feels hatred toward him.As Weilis suffers throughout the book so do the readers.

Amy Tan characterizes Wen Fu as an ambiguous character by having him cause all the problems.For example by having him rape,threat,and disrespect Welils while being married to her.Weliles also feels trapped which makes the reader imagine being in her place which gives the reader an emotion of frustration.Wen Fu also being a careless character,after his actions also make an impact.Therefore the characterization of Wen Fu illustrates how one can ruin another person's life.

Parallelism is used to provide possibilities for Wen Fu’s actions.Amy tom parallels war and Wen Fu.When something in the war goes wrong Wen Fu takes anger out on Welile.For example,during the Japanese surprise attacks, Wen Fu became frustrated and raped Welils to get rid of his stress while it worsened.Any Tan is portraying that a result of one persons life destroying,another life can become destroyed as well.

The conflict between Welil and Wen Fu illustrates Wen Fu’s ambigious traits.As Wen Fu does horrific things to his wife and other people,Welils suffers more and more thoughout time.Although Wen Fu had gotten rid of, he still affected many life’s.Amy Tan ilustrates the affection one has to another according to thier actions.As Wen Fu did.

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