Speak by Laurie Anderson | Teen Ink

Speak by Laurie Anderson

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Would you ever think your freshman year of high school would be the worst day of your life? Well, Melinda knew how it felt. Speak, an awesome fiction novel by Laurie Anderson, tells about a girl named Melinda Sordino who went to a summer party, where something bad happened. Because of these events, when she went to school, all of her friends hated her. Because of the party, she becomes an outcast and skips school. In addition, she gets bad grades and only gets A's in art class. Then one day, she conquered her fear by looking into “IT's” eyes. She is finally brave enough to talk to people about the summer party.
I think this book is awesome and is also powerful because it teaches people to speak up for yourself. Also I think Anderson did an awesome job on reliving high school and the voice in the book. When she writes something, I can see everything in my mind. She always writes with a lot of detail. I can picture Melinda sitting at the lunch table alone and Melinda drawing a tree in art class. Also how she relived high school was perfect with the mean teachers and what goes on in high school. She says that Melinda gets a lot of homework and she has a lot of friendship problems. This book has a lot of secrets, if you want to know them then read the book. I would recommend this book to girls 11 and up.

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