Casino Royale | Teen Ink

Casino Royale

January 15, 2009
By Francis Bogan BRONZE, Sea Girt, New Jersey
Francis Bogan BRONZE, Sea Girt, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Casino Royale was an excellent book, full of detail, action, suspense, and fun, Casino Royale can please anyone. The book is rich with detail and descriptions, excellently conveying the characters and events to the reader making them beg for more from the beginning to the end.

The adventure starts in the crowded, smoke-filled Casino Royale, with Bond playing his last hands. It is past 1:30 in the morning and he is ready to light his seventieth cigarette of the night. With excellent skill, Ian Fleming exquisitely describes the adventure that follows that long morning.

My personal favorite thing about the book was the action. But the reason wasn't that I love the thrill of a good fight, but the way Ian Fleming gave me that thrill. I'm not sure how he did it, but he gave me the feeling of being in the fight, or, the little brawl, which is a more appropriate description of the fights from this Bond novel. The way he makes your heart pound to the rhythm of Bond's, and the way he makes you flinch or squirm with Bond gives you wonderful feeling of respect for Ian Fleming.

In all, I thought that Casino Royale was a wonderful novel, full of rich descriptions, it was wonderfully written and beautifully told. Casino Royale is a story worth the fame it has so righteously acquired, and one that I, as well as many other people, will never quite forget.

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