Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

February 17, 2009
By katie24 SILVER, Lebanon, Indiana
katie24 SILVER, Lebanon, Indiana
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Winner of the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award, Orson Scott Card's masterpiece, Ender's Game, is absolutely a transfiguring book of genius. A terrific science fiction novel of little geniuses, Orson knows that children may have absurd thinking, but think logically with imagination. Ender's Game is the one book that makes you feel like a kid again, but an intelligent one.

Growing up in a world where compliant families can only have two children, Andrew 'Ender' Wiggin was a third child. Though asked by the government to be born, Ender is still put through hard times. His older siblings, Peter the Cruel and Valentine the Good, these two weren't good enough to defeat the varelse species of buggers. After battling two wars with these deadly and terrifying aliens that were won by the great Mazer Rackham, Ender was born to defeat them in the third war. Peter was too brutal and Valentine not brutal enough, Ender was living proof that they were not good enough. Ender is a genius, such as his family is, too, he is sent off to the Battles School, to be molded into one of the future commanders. The battle school has a game they play, of strategic armies and brutal leaders, Ender is by far the best, but hates every minutes of it, because he acts like a monster at times, like Peter. He cannot loose the game, but soon he wants to, and he knows he's just there to be observed, and if he fails, his life would be worthless and have no point. 'It's what I was born for, isn't it? If I don't go, why am I alive?' (page 27)

Ender's Game is by far one of the best books anyone could read. For the ages of middle school students and older, I would definitely recommend this book to lovers of sci-fi reads and those who want to be little geniuses, too. '''''


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