Across the Universe by Beth Revis | Teen Ink

Across the Universe by Beth Revis

January 11, 2017
By rankpark BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
rankpark BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read Across the Universe by Beth Revis. Across the Universe is published by Razorbill, an imprint of Penguin Group Inc., and was written in 2011. It is science-fiction/fantasy, and it’s the first book of a trilogy. The theme of this book is isolation and thinking independently.

The characters in the book, are Amy, Hassan, Ed, Elder, and Eldest, and Orion. Amy is a 17-year-old girl that is a cryogenically frozen passenger aboard the ship, called Godspeed.

Hassan is a worker who gives Amy’s mother an IV. Ed is a worker who helps Hassan give the IV to Amy’s mother. Elder is a 16 year old boy who is the future leader of Godspeed. Eldest is a kind grandpa that looks enraged and weary. Orion is a person who works on the feeder level.

Amy and her parents have been cryogenically frozen to make a 300 year journey to a new planet called Centauri-Earth. Amy was unfrozen 50 years early. With Elder’s help, Amy must solve a murder mystery, so she can save the ship. Elder and Amy must hurry before anyone kills them.

The novel takes place on Godspeed and in the future. The Keeper Level is where the ones that are frozen cryogenically, go to sleep. The Feeder level is composed of a greenhouse, hospital, city, farm, and the recorder hall (where the records of earth are stored). The shipper level is composed of research labs.

The characters are interesting because the reader learns a lot about the main characters. The writing style is in first person told from the perspectives of Amy and Elder. Beth Revis is an author of young adult fiction for the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Her best known work is the Across the Universe trilogy. The book is set 300 years in the future. The scientific elements in the book seem plausible, which helps the reader enjoy the book. This book reminded me of The Hunger Games because Amy reminded me of Katniss, another girl who thought for herself.

I thought the story was exciting. I would recommend Across the Universe to readers who are interested in science-fiction/fantasy and would want to learn about what it is like to be awakened in the future. It is worth reading because you can learn more on what it would be like to live in the future.


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